Jan 11, 2010

Death Note Discography

Oooossu ! Ahora les traigo la discografía de una de las series de anime que mas han gustado en los últimos años: Death Note. Quién sabe cuánto durará la moda de poner shinigamis en animes o mangas, pero esta serie sin duda vale mucho la pena.

There are actually 3 OSTs for the anime series and 2 more for the three Live Action movies; it's a little odd, but here's all that and a little more. I hope you all enjoy this. My next post will be the Ranma ½ music videos I promised before and then some K-On! and Hagaren (FullMetal Alchemist) to bring you later all the 8 singles of the new Hagaren Shintetsu that came with new Op. & Ed. yesterday !

DEATH NOTE Original Soundtrack I

1st OST of the anime series

DEATH NOTE Original Soundtrack II

2nd OST of the anime series

DEATH NOTE Original Soundtrack III

3rd OST of the anime series

the WORLD / Alumina Single [Nightmare]

Single of the first Opening and first Ending themes of the anime

What's up, people! / Zetsubou Billy

There's not a single of the second Opening and second Ending themes, they're both part of the album Buiiki Kaesu, of MAXIMUM THE HORMONE, so I separated them and here they are, just the two themes like the other single.


OST of the first Live Action movie
called simply "Death Note"


An album tributeto the first movie,
with songs performed by various japanese artists.

SOUND of DEATH NOTE the Last name

OST of the second Live Action movie called
"Death Note the Last name"

The songs for DEATH NOTE the movie
~the Last name TRIBUTE~

Again, an album tribute to the second movie,
with songs performed by various japanese artists.