Jan 5, 2010

Ranma ½ Discography

OK here's the first upload, all the discography (I have) of one of my favorite animes: Ranma ½. It's not every CD that's out there, but I couldn't get the Audio dramas yet... If anyone knows where to find them PLEASE TELL ME !!

Anyway there's 18 CDs here for your pleasure, some of them not so common.

I will be uploading my Ranma Music Videos soon, gotta check them if you like this anime!

Ranma ½ - Opening Shudai-ka Shuu (Opening Theme Song Collection)

The collection of all of the Opening Themes of the series.


Ranma ½ - Ending Shudai-ka Shuu (Ending Theme Song Collection)

The collection of all of the Ending Themes of the series.


DoCo First

The first CD of DoCo (a parody of the japanese group CoCo), composed of the seiyuus (voice actors) of Ranma-chan, Akane, Shampoo, Nabiki and Kasumi. DoCo recorded many of the most famous songs of Ranma ½.


DoCo Second

The second CD of DoCo. There are Music Videos for every song on this and the first CD, that I will upload later on ^^


DoCo Original Karaoke

A CD with the karaoke (vocal-less) versions of the DoCo songs.


DoCo Best Collections

The collection of the 1st and 2nd DoCo Albums.


Nettou Ongaku Hen

The first BGM (BackGround Music) Album fo the series.


Saikyou Ongaku Hen (Strongest Music Collection)

The second BGM (BackGround Music) Album fo the series.


Ongaku No Tetsujin Hen

The third BGM (BackGround Music) Album fo the series.


Ongaku Doujo

The fourth BGM (BackGround Music) Album fo the series, with an Opening and Ending songs.


1st Movie - Chuugoku Nekonron Daikessen ! Okite-Yaburi No Gekito Hen !!

The OST (Original Sound Track) of the first movie "Big Trouble in Nekonron, China".


2nd Movie - Kessen Tougenkyou ! Hanayome O Torimodose !!

The OST of the second movie "Nihao my Concubine".


3rd Movie - Chou-Musabetsu Kessen ! Eiga Tai Video

The OST of the Ranma ½ OVAs (Original Video Animation), the best of the series animation in my opinion.


Denshi Yuugi Ongaku Shuu (Electronic Game Music Collection)

A collection of Ranma ½ 's Electronic Game Music ¬¬U


Music Calendar 1991

A very good CD with 12 songs, one corrsponding to each month of the year.
This songs are found nowhere else than on this CD.


Music Calendar 1995

This CD has a series of tracks where Ranma-kun and Akane talk and discuss, mixed with some of the most known songs of the series.


Nettou Uta-Gassen (Hot Song Contest)

A CD with various themes sung by the seiyuus. There's a video also for this songs that's like a TV show made by the series characters. I will upload it also very soon ^^


Kakutou Uta Karuta

This CD has many tracks, I'm not completely sure, but I think it is a reference to a game. There are various cards, one for each letter of the japanese katakana and the same number of tracks...
Anyway, this is like a big karaoke session where the series characters sing and fight and scream Ranma½-style. Very good and the funniest CD of all.


1 comment:

  1. Hi! Your links are dead. Can you reuploaded, please.
